The RIU (University Interconnection Network) provides connectivity to all member universities with symmetrical 500 Mbps bandwidth, one hundred percent fiber optic technology contracted to different telecommunications companies. It is deployed with a star topology, where the links converge in a datacenter with its own equipment managed by the ARIU.
In this central point of the same the services of hosting, colocation and multipoint of video conferencing are provided, of which the member institutions can make use. The links that allow connectivity to the CIN, SIU, MUNDO-U (CEPAS) and NOC (Network Operation Center) are also concentrated here; International Advanced Networks through InnovaRed and CLARA (Latin American Cooperation for Advanced Networks), national networks connected to CABASE’s NAP / IXPs, Google networks (allowing direct access to their content) and the Internet.
RIU operating costs are borne by the associated institutions and the National Ministry of Education.