Associated Institutions
Network Bandwidth
Edu.ar delegates domains
Featured Services
ARIU members can use the service for researcher interaction, thesis defenses, or technical meetings.
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Virtual machines
ARIU members have Virtual Machines to implement services such as email, SIU systems, monitoring, among others.
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ARIU offers the educational community the deployment of a higher layer of security for educational websites.
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Block Chain
Blockchain Federal Argentina is an open and participatory multiservice platform designed to integrate services and applications on blockchain
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EDU.AR Domains
“The RIU is a tool that helps the distribution of knowledge throughout the country”
Miguel Montes
Prosec. Inform. UNC
“The challenge is to contribute from the RIU to the equality of opportunities in all regions”
Ricardo Sabbatini
“New technologies are vital for a frontier university like ours”
Marcelo Puerta
ICT Manager UNam
Institutional Collaboration
Institutions and organizations that collaborate with our management

Secretary of University Policies
Administration of the national budget for state university institutions. Articulation with the secondary level and the non-university tertiary level. Expansion and planning of Higher Education.

National Interuniversity Council
Coordination, consultation and proposal of policies and strategies for university development and the promotion of activities of interest to the public system of higher education.

University Information System
Since 1996 we develop computer systems that are used in the management of the different areas of the institutions that make up the Argentine national university system and other organizations.

National Scientific Network of Argentina
Cross-cutting e-science actor in the country, which contributes to the formation of an integrated and open research space and ensures the connectivity of the national community between itself and the rest of the world.

Network Information Center
Promote the growth of the network in our country and strengthen society’s trust in the Internet, two fundamental axes that direct the short, medium and long-term work of the organization.

Argentine Chamber of Databases and Online Services
It was founded in 1989 and brings together organizations that provide Internet Access Services, telephony, Datacenter solutions and Online content, among others.

Mundo U
National University Audiovisual Platform
Looking for the diversity of views, favoring a federal, democratic and inclusive production design in all its audiovisual productions in the Country.